Monday, March 10, 2014

No Networked Media

So, I got to cheat on this one a little bit: I was in Budapest for 10 days and didn't have access to my phone or Wifi. During this time, however, it was extremely liberating to not even have the urge to look at my phone. I felt more connected with the people around me, I was yo-yoing a ton and just meeting new people and enjoying myself. I wasn't tied to any social media or text message: I was experiencing the world.

Here I am communicating with people in real life. Yes, real life.

I also had the opportunity to sightsee with some wonderful people I met from Serbia during my time of no internet:

I was more envloped in all the sight seeing around me. I didn't take any pictures (aside from the ones taken of me) which was also a new experience because I was just focused on taking it all in, instead of trying to record it to look at later... Which, to me, is far more important now that I think about it. Perhaps one or two photos, but the rest of the time should just be devoted to enjoying whats around me.

I will say one difficulty manifested itself in the lack of access to Google Maps. This app is my savior when it comes to getting around; not having it results in me being lost a few different times, but ultimately I was able to find my way.

All in all, I enjoyed my time without my phone and has made me rethink my dependency on it and hopefully I can use this to use my phone a little less.

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