Monday, March 10, 2014

Final thoughts on Writing 105M

Honestly, this class keeps me going. This class may end up being the most important class I've taken at UCSB. I've realized that the path I am going on is not right for me; it is beyond my skill set; ultimately, the path I'm on is not fulfilling for me. Why should I force myself into studying something that I've come to realize I am really quite awful at, and simply do not enjoy. I can sit for five agonizing hours trying to master my major, or I can sit five hours and not even realize five hours went by because I was having genuine fun doing what I was doing.

If that doesn't speak to the quality of that class, I don't know what will.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really happy this course helped you to come to such a pivotal realization. I really got a lot out of it as well. What was your previous major, if you don’t mind my asking? It was probably really tough getting to this point, but in my opinion your definitely doing the right thing. I think the key to happiness in life is to find your passion, that thing that fulfills you, and to pursue like there’s no tomorrow. It may be tough to change your whole course of study at this point in time, but hey, you’ve found what makes you happy—which means your actually already a step ahead of the rest of us!
